151-word post, or “Needle on the Record”

Friday, 11 am.

A non-descript apartment building on the lower west side.

Apartment 703.

A suspicious Broobus Manhank stands beside his vintage stereo turntable, with the stylus poised an inch off the spinning record. He’s been trying to listen to “The Sheik of Araby” by The Beatles.

For the last 15 minutes, he’s placed the needle on the record, only to see the walls of his apartment shear away to reveal an expanse of arid, windswept desert.
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Then, when he pulls the stylus up, the walls return; the only evidence that what he has seen is real are the layers of sand accumulating on the floor.

He can’t figure out if there’s a connection. Is the song about an actual desert sheik? Where the hell IS Araby?

Still… he’d better figure out if he owns a song about vacuum cleaners before his wife gets home or there’ll be hell to pay.

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