242-word post, or “Long Weekend”

Hazy blue skies looked down upon the congested lanes of long-weekend snaking their way towards cottage country.

In the backseat of his parents’ van, 13-year old Ramper Djolt looked out the window. In the next lane was a rusty, black Nissan. The driver was a giant potato, and it was looking right at him.

Ramper’s mouth dropped open. “Mom! There’s a potato driving that car!” he yelled, but as he spoke, the Nissan changed lanes and disappeared in traffic.

“Ramper, don’t yell when I’m driving, please!” yelled his dad.

“But there was a potato…” His mom didn’t even look at him. “Ramper, stop making fun of people’s appearance,” she said. His dad looked in the rear-view mirror. “God, jerk, wanna just drive up my tailpipe?”

“Just let him pass,” said his mom, trying to unfold a map.

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Suddenly, Ramper saw the Nissan was now speeding by in the passing lane, the driver’s potato mouth sneering at Ramper as he drove by. Two of its many sprouts steered the wheel, and a third gave Ramper the international “I’m Watching You” gesture before speeding past them.

His parents were still arguing about a GPS as Ramper wondered WHY this potato was out to get them? And then Ramper realized:

He’d been eating chips the whole time.

This was really going to be a long weekend.

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